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Propagation Study of Tagged Whales During Periods of Seismic Surveying and other Whale Sounds

The dtag is a small receiver for tagging whales. It is attached to the whale using suction cups. After a certain amount of time (around 8 hours) the dtags release from the whales and float to the surface where they are retrieved to investigate the recordings. This data is used to study the impact of noise on the whales and their corresponding behavior patterns.

Samples of tagged whale sounds from the Gulf of Mexico

Sounds of the many whale species in Cape Cod Bay in the Spring
Four subsurface moorings were deployed in Cape Cod Bay in the Spring of 2011 to record and localize the endangered right whale. But we also recorded fin whales, sei whales, right whales and humpback whales all in the vicinity at the same time.
    Recording from a sub-surface mooring of sei whales (low frequency grown), right whales (mid frequencies, upslope), and humpback whales (higher freqs). Fin whales are too low in frequency (~25Hz) to hear. (1 min 10 secs)
Follow the spectrogram (sounds transformed into their frequencies) below with the audio.

Sounds from Mark Johnson's tagged whales
Former WHOI and AOPE Dept. engineer Mark Johnson developed the WHOI DTAG (see photo above and video) that records sounds on the back of whales. Here is a sampling of a few recordings from his many taggings.

Last updated: June 23, 2011

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