Welcome to the Shallow Water Initiative page at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. We are in the process of adding content here so please refer to the Shallow Water Initiative home page at the University of Washington Applied Physics Lab for any other information. General Publications:
Oceanus Magazine SW06 article (Oceanus, Vol. 45, No. 3, July 2007). Oceanography Magazine SW06 article (Oceanography,Vol. 20, No. 4, December 2007). JASA-EL SW06 Special Issue (JASA-EL, Vol 124, Issue 3, September, 2008). IEEE JOE SW06 Special Issue (IEEE JOE, Vol 35, Issue 1, January, 2010). SW06 Workshops and Conferences:
SW06 Ft. Lauderdale Workshop (Feb 12-14, 2008) presentations and summaries. SW06 Austin Workshop (Feb 09-13, 2009) presentations and summaries. SW06 presentations at the Acoustical Society of America Conference in Paris (Jun 29-Jul 5, 2008). SW06 presentations at the ASA Conference in Miami , Florida (Nov 10-14, 2008). SW06 presentations at the 157th ASA Conference in Portland, OR (May 18-22, 2009). SW06 presentations at the 158th ASA Conference in San Antonio, TX (Oct 26-30, 2009) SW06 presentations at the 159th ASA Conference in Baltimore, MD (Apr 19-23, 2010) SW06 presentations at the European Conference on Underwater Acoustics
Next SW06 Publication target - IEEE JOE - All submitted manuscripts are under review. |
The very successful SW06 experiment has finished: 62 moorings deployed and ALL 62 moorings recovered... with a little help from a Virginia Beach fisherman ( tale of the missing SHRU).
SW06 Photo Gallery. Diagrams and sensor lists for (recovered) mooring configurations.
Flat ascii file and plot of all deployed mooring positions. Charts with mooring numbers. Data is stored according to mooring number. SW06 experiment area cartoon from Oceanus Magazine article (ref:Oceanus, Vol. 45, No. 3, July 2007). but it also archived all operations, weather, daily reports, codar, gliders, satellite images, and more... For a fast-forward recap, check out the ExView .mpg video (~8MB) or .mov video (~23MB).
Also, please note that this data cannot be redistributed without permission.
over 25,000 spectrograms 2 minutes at a time for the entire experiment, as well as listen to that acoustics data and be able to correlate with temperature, wind speed,... and other acoustic receivers.
Some PO data too...
Full water column temperature and salinity profile time series at the shark VLA/HLA (SW54) location. Magnetic inclination at 39 N 73 W is 13 deg 14 min W (August 2006). WHOI PO data
Download all the mooring PO data in a zipped file (1.4 GB). DVD is available upon request to SW06 PIs. All sensors on all 54 WHOI moorings. Programs to read each sensor on each mooring. SW06 shipboard CTDs/XBTs
Image of CTD locations and XBT stations available on this DVD. DVD is available upon request to SW06 PIs. Available cast information:
Endeavor voyage 425 CTD cast and XBT station spreadsheets. Knorr voyage 183 CTD cast spreadsheet. Knorr voyage 185 CTD cast and XBT station spreadsheets. Knorr voyage 186 CTD cast spreadsheet. Oceanus voyage 427 XBT station spreadsheet. Quest CTD cast and XBT station spreadsheets.
Internal Wave activity
Selected Knorr Voyage183 WaMos images (48MB zip file) from ship mounted radar (from Knorr183 shipboard data and Hans Graber). Sample image on 7/30 at 0802hrs. Selected Knorr Voyage184 WaMos images (48MB zip file) from ship mounted radar (from Knorr184 shipboard data, DJ Tang, and Hans Graber). SCANFISH data, taken aboard the R/V Endeavor Voyage 425
Download all scanfish data/info in a zip file (250MB). DVD is available upon request to SW06 PIs. Please note that this data cannot be redistributed without permission from Glen Gawarkiewicz. Bathymetry and sub-bottom (from John Goff)
NGDC medium res bathymetry (68 MB mat file).
OSU Bottom lander information (from Jim Moum and Jonathan Nash)
ROV movie (6MB avi file) recovering a damaged bottom Lander (courtesy of Jim Moum). Sounds from adcp battery pack explosion. CSTARS Satellite images for SW06.
Table of available images (pdf from WHOI Tech Report pp102-103). All CSTARS satellite images in lower resolution. (180MB zip file)
ASIS buoy data
Please nota that this data cannot be redistributed without permission from Hans Graber or Neil Williams. A small subset can be downloaded here (thanks to Neil)
R/V knorr WaMoS images for 8/13 @ 1200 to 8/13 @ 2200hrs (45GB zip file) R/V knorr WaMoS images for 8/25 @ 0000 to 8/25 @ 0500hrs (15GB zip file) R/V knorr WaMoS images for 8/25 @ 0500 to 8/25 @ 1500hrs (35GB zip file) R/V knorr WaMoS images for 8/27 @ 2000 to 8/28 @ 2000hrs (275GB zip file) R/V knorr WaMoS images for 8/30 @ 1200 to 8/30 @ 2400hrs (71GB zip file) R/V knorr WaMoS images for 9/04@ 0000 to 9/04 @ 1200hrs (45GB zip file) Bill Plant's internal wave chasing from the air. Harvard Ocean Prediction System (HOPS) information and model results for SW06. URI Student Georges Dossot's survey of internal wave events from the R/V Sharp. SW06 Ship data
Archived underway ship met data files, includes: wind, navigation, adcp, bathymetry, SST, ...
Knorr kn184 (PI: Tang) Knorr kn185 (PI: Knobles) Knorr kn186 (PI: Lynch) Oceanus oc427 (PI: Moum) Oceanus oc428 (PI: Frisk) Oceanus oc429 (PI: Kemp) Endeavor en424 (PI: Henyey) Endeavor en425 (PI: Lynch) Sharp (PI: Badiey) SW06 shiptracks for:
R/V Endeavor (3MB) R/V Oceanus (3MB) R/V Sharp (3MB) R/V Tioga (.5 MB) All tracks in a zip file (2.5 MB)
To get to information at the time the SW06 experiment was happening (daily reports, etc) you can visit here. Information from WHOI prior to the SW06 experiment:
Information/forms for PIs using WHOI ships.
List of hotels near WHOI. Shipping address to WHOI. Berthing Lists for all ships (revised 7/15/06). Do you need something that isn't listed here? Contact Arthur Newhall. |
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© Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution © University of Washington |
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Last updated Mar 2009 |